the mosquito problem and other stories ne demek?

"The Mosquito Problem and Other Stories" is a collection of short stories written by Israeli author Etgar Keret. The book was originally published in Hebrew in 2002 and was later translated into English in 2007.

The collection includes 35 stories, each exploring themes of family, death, love, and isolation in a unique and often surreal way. The stories are often humorous, sometimes dark, and always thought-provoking.

The title story, "The Mosquito Problem," tells the tale of a man who becomes obsessed with a mosquito buzzing around his room and begins to question his existence. Other stories in the collection include "Fatso," which explores body image and self-esteem, and "Cocked and Locked," a humorous examination of gun culture in America.

Overall, "The Mosquito Problem and Other Stories" is a captivating and inventive collection that offers a fresh perspective on the human experience.